Local Events & Resources
We are grateful to hold events on the beautiful lands of the Ts’elxwéyeqw tribes of the Stó:lō Coast Salish peoples. We thank our neighbours of the First Nations for tending to the land and its people, and we hope that you will join us in community, sharing our cultures and our hearts.
Local Community Events
Cedar Sisters Community Circles and Gatherings take place at Cedar Sisters HQ (Katrina's home) in the Vedder neighbourhood of Chilliwack, BC.
To receive early invitations to upcoming events, subscribe to our monthly newsletter!

Cedar Sisters Community Circles
These gatherings are open to all who seek a village. We were never meant to live in isolation, trying to heal our past hurts and sort out our life's purpose on our own, often while doing our best to parent the next generation. Whether you're on a parenting journey or a quest to connect with your spirit (or both!), you will find a community here.
If any of these strike a chord with you, you belong here.
-you seek a connection with yourself, with nature, with your ancestors and their traditions, or with something deeper than the everyday routines we fall into.
-you are longing for something you may not be able to name.
-your soul yearns for you to sing, to shout, to create, to kick up a fuss.
-you want to gather with others who are open to talking about not only love and light, but also pain and heartbreak.
-you had an idea of what pregnancy, birth, or parenthood would feel like, and the reality is taking you a while to adjust to.
-you wonder if you're the only one struggling.
-you may have no spiritual beliefs, you may follow a specific religion or belief system, or you may still be exploring or unsure.
-you feel the pain and uncertainty of our world, and don't know how to make a difference.
All are welcome! This is a place of connection, not of judgement or comparison.
As a Reiki Master and ceremonialist, Katrina will hold space for all who join, as we look inward and reach outward, building the connections we long for. Through ceremony, meditation, guided journalling, Reiki energy healing, somatic work, mindful breathwork, crafting, and more, you will have the pleasure of feeling truly alive and connected, both to yourself and to your wider community.
The Gatherings will be held monthly in Chilliwack, and occasionally in other cities. Donations will be accepted to support various local groups such as Care for Women and Wilma's Transition Society. A suggested donation is $20, but nobody will be turned away for lack of funds. Each circle will have a maximum capacity of 10 people, to keep the groups intimate.
Upcoming Circles:

Cedar Sisters Forest Walk
March 16, 2PM-4PM
Location: Five minutes from Vedder Bridge on Columbia Valley Hwy, land of the Soowahlie First Nation (exact location shared upon registration)
This is the start of something wonderful, folks: our first community gathering in the great outdoors! If you're feeling disconnected, unrooted, overwhelmed, or lost, the woods hold the medicine you need to come back into yourself, your centre, your sense of belonging.
I'll be leading the group on a three part journey, as we slowly shed our usual ways of being: busy, productive, distracted, and we let ourselves truly BE. We will participate in group rituals, naming what we're letting go of and sharing what we're ready to step into. There will also be time for each of us to quietly explore the woods on our own: to sit in stillness, or venture a little deeper into the wild, or to dip our toes in the creek. You will come away feeling connected, grounded, and so grateful you took the time to find yourself. RAIN OR SHINE!
Note: this walk will have some elevation changes and uneven surfaces to navigate.
No fee to attend, but donations will be accepted for Care for Women.
Chilliwack Perinatal Resources
Midwifery Care
Chilliwack Midwifery
Family First Midwifery
778-860-7400 Ext. 1
Thrive Midwifery
Body Work
Kauri Chiropractic
(care for pregnant/postpartum people and infants)
Bellies Inc.
Ab wrap & Core program
(Use Discount Code: KATRINAFORTIN)
Infant Feeding Support
Katy Teasdale, IBCLC
Simply Nourish Lactation
Melissa, IBCLC
Au Lait Lactation Support
La Leche League International
Evidence-based info on Breastfeeding
Call 8-1-1 to speak to a nurse 24/7
Emotional Wellness/Mental Health
Pacific Postpartum Support Society
604-255-7999 (text available)
Thrive Collective Counselling
Reproductive Mental Health
Michelle Tyliakos
Advocate, Coach, Grief Support
Postpartum Support
Care for Women
Complimentary postpartum support:
Mentorship, Meals, and Maids
Childbirth Education
My Powerful Birth
(in person or online options)
(use code CEDAR25 for a discount)
Follow @jessicaaustinchildbirth on instagram
and scroll back to read through her free
childbirth education (beginning Feb 11, 2021)
Spinning Babies
Comfort in pregnancy and easier birth
Placenta Encapsulation
Michelle Short, Wildflower Birth Collective
If you are local to Chilliwack and would like your health and wellness business listed on this page, please reach out!
